How to Download Updates 1. Click on the button that say downloads 2. Supply username and password 3. Click on Login 4. a List of available updates will be displayed 5. Click on the one you want normally sims frontend program update 6. You will be promted to open or save 7. Choose save 8. change save in to c:\program files\sims2000 9. Click Save 10. System will display a progress of download 11. Once completed you will be prompted to open the file click open 12. Winzip will start press I Agree (if winzip do not open obtain a free copy from the downloads page) 13. Click on the file sims2000e.mde 14. Click on the extract button 15. Enter the following in the ectract to box c:\program files\sims2000 16. Make sure tick that say use folder names is not ticked 17. Click Extract 18. On the Right hand bottom corner of the winzip screen there are two indicators red and green once it turns green close win zip 19. Close all open programs 20. Enter sims normally How system updates work(NO one else must be using SIMS) 1. As you enter sims for the first time it will ask you to locate teh database (see system Layout faq) 2. Select database and click ok. 3. The system will come up with the following error "please reselect your database" 4. Select the path again this is normal 5. Next message will be "The Microsoft jet database engine could not find the object " ??????? " Make sure the object ...." 6. Click OK (this message means that you database do not yet contain the updated file this is fine) 7. When you receive the following message "The Expression on click you entered as teh event property setting ...." 8. Click ok and close sims 9. Open the system again step 5 to 8 might be repeated several times depending on how resent your last update was. 10.The system displays a progres "database update with a number" if the system stop at the same update more than once please contact your support officew for assistance 11. Once this has gone through sims will come up with the normal login screen On a network this file nust now be copied to all workstations on ther local drive c:\program files\sims2000